What is Exposure Bracketing and when is a good time to use it At one time or another in your [...]
Manual Exposure Mode is easy and useful- don’t be scared of it!
Bernie2020-11-26T17:12:06+00:00Why use Manual Exposure Mode on your DSLR or Mirrorless camera? Why bother using Manual Exposure Mode, surely the camera [...]
Manual and Auto ISO – Introducing a third exposure mode!
Bernie2020-11-26T17:12:52+00:00The best open secret - Manual Mode and Auto ISO Aperture and Shutter Speed priority - 1 point of the [...]
How histograms can help you to take better photos
Bernie2020-11-27T13:15:08+00:00Nail the exposure using a photo histogram For todays' photographers, the image histogram is a very powerful tool, the trouble [...]