Photography Course Image

Once enrolled, use the Chat Window to ask questions or discuss problems (preferably photography related!), whenever I'm online.

Follow me on 19 photo sessions and learn to create beautiful light using small flashes

... and take stunning, dramatic portraits.

Course introduction by Bernie
watch-button   CourseIntroFeaturedCourse introduction - What's it all about?


The Equipment - here's what you need to get going
watch-button   FlashesAndCamerasCameras and Flashes - Just what cameras and flashes are suitable?
watch-button   StandsAndBracketsStands and Brackets - Where to put the flashes and how to mount them
watch-button   Triggering PosterTriggering the flashes - There are several methods, some cheaper or more reliable than others!
watch-button   equipment updateFlashes and Triggers Update - Equipment Update #1 - September 2020
watch-button   LightModifiersFeaturedLight modifiers - Use Umbrellas and softboxes etc... to modify the light
freeplay2   flashat105make the most of your umbrella or large modifier - Flashes are small, modifiers can be large, so avoid this problem
watch-button   LightMetersPoster1Using a light meter - Do you need one?


Manual mode and the five aspects of off-camera flash exposure
watch-button   ManualModePosterManual mode and why it's best for off-camera flash photography
watch-button   AperturesPosterApertures and an introduction to exposure
freeplay2   ShutterSpeedsPosterShutter speed and its role in off camera flash photography
watch-button   ISO PosterISO and its role in off camera flash photography

watch-button   FlashPowerPosterFlash power - nailing it for perfect exposures

watch-button   InverseSquareLawPosterFlash to subject distance and its effect on exposure

watch-button   SyncSpeedAndHSSMaximum flash sync speed and High Speed Sync


Indoor Photo Sessions
watch-button   IndoorShoot1 - SimpleSetupPosterSession 1 - Simple one light setup

freeplay2   IndoorShoot2 - ControlBackgroundPosterSession 2 - Controlling light spill on the background

watch-button   IndoorShoot3 - CloserLight PosterSession 3 - Lighting the background

watch-button   IndoorShoot4 - GelBackground posterSession 4 - Colouring the background using gels

watch-button   IndoorShoot5 - FillLight posterSession 5 - Using a fill light to open up the shadows

watch-button   IndoorShoot6 - Clamshell PosterSession 6 - Stunning beauty light using a clam-shell lighting setup

watch-button   IndoorShoot7 - HardLight PosterSession 7 - Get an edgier feel by using a harder light source

watch-button   IndoorShoot8 - LightingPatternsFeaturedSession 8 - Portrait lighting patterns

watch-button   IndoorShoot9- HouseholdObjectsPosterSession 9 - Use household objects to get stunning graphic backgrounds

watch-button   IndoorShoot10 - HoneycombgridFeaturedSession 10 - Using a honeycomb grid to create dramatic portraits

watch-button   IndoorShoot11 - WhiteBackgroundPosterSession 11 - How to get a whiter than white background
watch-button   IndoorShoot12 - TriflectorSession 12 - Stunning beauty light using a Tri-Flector lighting setup


Outdoor photo sessions
freeplay2   ExposureIntroFeaturedExposure introduction - Balancing the ambient and flash light
watch-button   equipment updateFlashes and Triggers Update - Equipment Update #2 - September 2020
freeplay2   HSSandNDFiltersFeaturedHigh Speed Sync and ND filters - The pros and cons

freeplay2   OutdoorShoot1 - Between the TreesFeaturedSession 1 - Balancing ambient light with flash, between the trees

watch-button   NarrowGaugerailwayFeaturedSession 2 - Balancing ambient light with flash, Narrow Gauge Railway

watch-button   OutdoorShoot - DramaticSkiesFeaturedSession 3 - Dramatic portraits using the sky as background

watch-button   OutdoorShoot5 - HSSBandstand featuredSession 4 - High Speed Sync - Wide apertures in bright sunshine

watch-button   OutdoorShoot4 - ShuttersFeaturedSession 5 - Graphic / Grungy backgrounds - Window or shop shutters

watch-button   OutdoorShoot6 - GraffitiFeaturedSession 6 - Graphic / Grungy backgrounds - Graffiti

watch-button   OutdoorShoot7 - BrickWallFeaturedSession 7 - Graphic / Grungy backgrounds - A Brick wall


Bonus video on Product photography using off camera flash
watch-button   DIYProductBoxFeaturedDIY product photography setup

stars-5Big Thanks to Bernie
A great course presented in a logical, humorous and easy to understand format. Having no experience with OCF at all, I now feel confident to start the next chapter of my photography learning curve. I'm sending a big thank to Bernie for putting the course marks.

stars-5Highly Recommended
Great course ! Exactly what I was looking for. Great help on my indoor studio journey. Very step by step approach. I highly recommend it . Thanks Bernie.

stars-5Nicely Explained
Really clear and nicely explained, considerable detail covered. The material is up-to-date (a concern I had buying this course). Left knowing considerably more about flash photography and the theory behind it. I will seek out his other classes. Highly recommended.

stars-5Just What I Was Looking For
This is exactly what I was looking for - a step by step approach to using off camera flash from step one.

stars-5Wish I'd Seen it Before
This is a great introduction to off-camera flash, perfect for someone just starting out using off-camera flash. I wish I had seen this when I was starting out! He keeps it simple, and explains how to control each aspect of the lighting. He explains all the concepts very clearly, and uses great examples. I love the illustration of the shutter curtains. One of the clearest I've ever seen.

Light Presentation Style
The course presented a great deal of useful information. While I don't see myself doing the studio and outdoor flash shoots as presented I believe the information will still be helpful in a better understanding of shooting with a flash--my primary goal. I have taken two other courses produced by Bernie and all have been enjoyable. His light presentation style makes learning enjoyable.

Very Useful Tips
Really good course, very useful tips, with a lot of different ways to work the light- I'm very happy I did it.

This is my third course of Bernie Raffe. Love his way of teaching, very easy to understand doesn’t matter what level you are. A lot of practical tips, really learned a lot! Thank you Bernie, you’re great!