These are all of the indoor sessions, mostly taken in my small garage studio!! Shows you don't need a lot of space
Simple first one-light setup
Indoor shoot 1 - Great results with a simple one-light setup, and you can get vastly different results by simply moving the light around the subject.
Controlling background light spill
Indoor shoot 2 - This video demonstrates the first steps needed in order to improve the look of the background.
Light the background for more impact
Indoor shoot 3 - Now that you've learnt how to control the light spill on the background, you can start thinking about lighting it.
Colouring the background using gels
Indoor shoot 4 - You can easily change the look and feel of the background using easily available gels.
Use a fill light to open up the shadows
Indoor shoot 5 - the dramatic type of light seen so far isn't suitable for everyone. Flatter your subject a little by using a fill light.
Stunning beauty lighting – method 1
Indoor shoot 6 - Here's a great lighting setup for flattering your subject, commonly called Clam shell lighting1
More drama using a harder light source
Indoor shoot 7 - Hard light can provide a little more drama and give the image an 'edgier' feel.
Portrait Lighting Patterns
Indoor shoot 8 - the patterns of light and shadow on your subjects face will change depending....
Graphic backgrounds using household objects
Indoor shoot 9 - You can make terrific looking backgrounds by firing a flash through various...
Dramatic light using a Honeycomb Grid
Indoor shoot 10 - Sometimes, the less you light something, the more interesting it becomes...
Making a whiter than white background
Indoor shoot 11 - White backgrounds won't normally appear white, they can be anything from off white...
Stunning beauty lighting – method 2
Indoor shoot 12 - We saw in a previous video how to create a glamour / beauty light using ...