Good composition is very important in photography yet is something that is hard to define
Ok, it's a cliché, but the only rule in photography is that there are no rules, but there are a number of established composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene.
These guidelines will help you to take more compelling photographs, lending them a natural balance, drawing attention to the important parts of the scene, or leading the viewer's eye through the image.
Once you are familiar with these composition tips, you'll be surprised at just how universal most of them are. You'll spot them everywhere, even in films and TV dramas, and you'll find it easy to see why some photos "work" while others feel like simple snapshots.
Use the rule of thirds for improved composition
The rule of thirds in photography is a fundamental principle of good composition, and can have quite a dramatic effect [...]
Better composition using diagonal lines
Photography composition tips - diagonal lines Use diagonal lines to add impact to your photos, it's easy to do and [...]
Use ‘Leading Lines’ to create more dramatic images
Draw the viewer's eye into the picture using leading lines Any time there is a strong line in a photograph, [...]
Use repeating patterns for more impact
Photography composition tips While repetition in the humdrum of daily life can at times be a little boring, capturing them [...]
Improve your composition using the ‘frame within a frame’ trick
Foregrounds in photography Foreground framing is a great technique for helping direct the viewer's eye right to the photo's star [...]
Blur the background for more impact with your DSLR
Use a shallow depth of field to blur the background Some subjects just seem to pop right out of the [...]
Blur the background to isolate your subject (Compact Cameras)
Some subjects just seem to pop right out of the image, don't they? You can use light and colour to [...]
Don’t let cluttered backgrounds ruin your portraits
It's so easy to do isn't it, you just didn't notice that lamppost sticking out of your husband's head, or [...]
Improve your portraits using unusual backgrounds
When most people look for a nice background for a photo in a rural environment, they'll choose a tree a [...]
Improve your portraits using nature’s own abstract backgrounds
Get a beautiful textured / coloured portrait background Nature is a wonderful thing! Ok, I admit it, I might have [...]